The Reward Practice are an independent source of advice on how to reward, incentivise and motivate staff. As part of our branding development for the Reward Practice we were asked to do a complete redesign and development of their existing website.
We started from scratch with this project. The existing site just wasn't doing it's job and the new site had to contain considerably more information. The task for us was how to keep the clean minimalist look and feel of the new branding we had created whilst containing such a large amount of resource material.
Good use of grids and structured typography normally does the trick in these situations and it was perfect for this project. What initially looks like a lot of text, doesn’t look and feel as heavy and crowded. Also, the site could be used for information on the specialist subject of rewards and incentives. This has naturally attracted a more traffic to the site.
Overall, the new site has helped The Reward Practice reach out to a much larger audience and has helped them sell their product more effectively.