
Spring clean your website

Have you started spring cleaning? The season is associated with starting fresh and cleaning out the old. We don’t think this should just apply to your home. 

Famously said before, your website promotes you 24/7, no employee will do that. So don’t neglect it! 

Wondering what to spring clean on your existing website? 

spray cleaning bottle

We’ve created a list of crucial areas to look at: 

  • Content 

Is the information up to date? Is it easily digestible? Make sure your content is in the right tone of voice, delivers valuable information and gets your message across in a simple way. 

  • Design

Trends change and not all designs can withstand the test of time. Design for a website incorporates the user experience as well as functionality, you want to ensure these are all up to date and suitable for your visitors. 

  • Functionality

Improving your website to include relevant or up to date functionality can really impact a user’s experience. Is there something new on the market your website should have or has your business changed direction and needs new functionality? 

  • User journey

Reevaluating and testing out your website’s user journey is a good place to start. In today’s world, people want immediacy. Fast loading pages, quick ways to get information and easy navigation. 

  • Links

When was the last time you checked all the links on your website worked? Are there links that go to a third party website? Is it still relevant or should that link be going elsewhere? 

  • CTAs

It’s key to have the right call-to-actions to convert visitors to customers. Throughout your website, you should have strategically placed CTAs which will direct your visitors. 

  • SEO

Is your website optimised for search engines? Ranking highly on search engines will do wonders for your website so why wouldn't you want to optimise your chances of that? Working alongside other sections, an SEO specialist will be able to put in place a plan to help your website gain authority. 

We hope our list has made you think about your current website and any parts which could be improved.

fingers using a touch pad for a computer

Need some expert help to spring clean your website? 

We’re a talented, friendly bunch helping all businesses from all industries with not only their website but their branding and marketing too. 

If you’re looking to up ate your website or start one from scratch, we can help from design to development to even a marketing launch campaign. 

We’d love to have a chat and let you know what we could do - please get in touch


Branding jargon buster

Getting a branding job professionally done? It’s a big deal and an exciting time. A branding agency can really help you stand out from the crowd, connect with your target audience and ensure you have a strong brand. 

Branding isn’t just about your company name and logo, your branding is involved in a host of other aspects of your business. From your print marketing to social media marketing to any content you put out there. 

colourful cards on a wall inspiring a branding project

Are you familiar with branding jargon? If not, we’ve got you covered. Learn the lingo: 

  • Brand ambassador

This is the face of the brand. Back in the day, it would be the owner of the business or an endorsed celebrity humanising the brand. Nowadays, a brand ambassador could be your employees, loyal customers or anyone who is passionate about the brand.

  • Brand assets

Elements including fonts, colours or any graphics that help you identify a brand. Each individual element should spark recognition but putting them all together will create the brand identity. 

  • Brand audit

A thorough examination of a brand to understand its strengths and weaknesses. An audit will help you identify any opportunities or anything that needs to be improved or changed. 

  • Brand awareness

The extent to which customers are familiar with a particular brand. Increasing brand awareness is often a goal for new brands, targeting new target markets or introducing new products or services. 

  • Brand guidelines

A document or instruction manual detailing the principles of the brand and how it should be used. It will provide guidance and understanding of its story, mission and vision. Brand guidelines can be for internal or external use. 

  • Brand identity

The visual elements and components that distinguish the brand to its intended audience. This could be the logo, tagline or colours and shapes. 

  • Brand positioning

Where a brand stands against others in the market. A strong brand position requires all marketing efforts to successfully make an impression on its customers. 

  • Brand values

The brand’s beliefs and promises that underline its purpose and guide towards its behaviour. What does your business stand for? 

  • Graphic style 

The theme, look and feel of graphic elements that are part of the brand’s appearance. 

  • Icon 

A small, graphic representation of a brand or if there is the use of multiple, it can be a brand’s stylistic extensions. Icons can help convey a message visually. 

  • Logo

A visual signifier for a brand, this could be a shape, image or text. A logo helps the customer to identify a brand, for example, Nike’s swish.  

  • Parent brand

The main brand that supports its subsidiary products or services by sharing its identity. The parent brand is usually well established which its sub-brand would benefit from. 

  • Rebranding

Revisiting a brand and changing it. This could be because of an acquisition or change in target audience or other business changes. 

  • Repositioning

Changing the way customers view your brand. This might be due to the target market shifting or the product or service being used differently. 

We hope this comes in handy whether you are looking to do any branding work now or in the future. 

Are you looking for a branding agency? 

You’re in the right place. 22 Group are an experienced digital agency who can help with all aspects of your branding. From scratch to a re-brand or designing a brochure in your brand colours and design, we can help get your message across. 

If you have any questions about how our branding experts can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to have a chat. 


Time for a business autumn clean?

The start of September saw the introduction of autumn goods in the shops, children going back to school and people getting back into routines. And, with a change in season coming an autumn clean is just as important as a spring clean. But, we mean a business autumn clean.

Ensure your website, branding and marketing are all up to scratch and look the way you want it to. Keep content up to date, fresh and think about if these three aspects are still aligning with your business goals. 

desk with a computer, pot of pens and a mug


Wondering if your website requires an update? Check if everything is still working, this could be the forms on your website, internal or external links or the customer login section. 

Once you’ve done that, is there now something you think could be added to your website to make it a better experience for your customers? A feature that allows them to do more or perhaps it’s something that has been suggested by your customers. 

Keep this in mind and not only will website updates improve the user experience but they will help with site security and your bounce rate. 


Right this moment, would you describe your branding as fresh? Does it fit in with the 21st century? 

From the colours used to the typeface, every aspect of your branding will influence how someone perceives your company.

Rebranding or a brand refresh can make you more relevant and can even help you reach and engage with a new audience. If you’re trying to tap into a new market or target audience, check if your branding is applicable to them as well as your current audience. 


Are you following trends and managing to keep up with marketing tasks? 

Ensure your marketing goals still align with your overall business goals. It’s good to take a step back and look at the wider picture to see if you’re on track. 

Also, if you’ve been trying a marketing method for a while and it’s not getting you anywhere or getting you the leads you expected, take time to evaluate and try something different. 

When you update your marketing it will not only become more effective but it will also save you costs. It’s time to make wise marketing decisions. 

billboard with different colourful words

How can 22Group help? 

We’re proud to say we can offer many of your digital needs under one roof. Whether you are thinking about refreshing or creating a new website, brand or marketing we’ve got experts to help. 

Want to see what we’ve done before? Our latest case study is on a financial company who came to us for a website refresh, take a look at our work - click here

We’d be more than happy to have a chat about what you’re looking for or answer any questions you have - get in touch


National Tell a Joke Day

National Tell a Joke Day is coming up on Monday, 16th of August, so we’ve searched far and wide to find the digital related jokes that made us laugh the most. 

Jokes about websites

  • Grandmothers are like websites
    • They keep telling you to accept their cookies
  • I was placed under arrest for downloading the whole Wikipedia website
    • I told the officer “Wait! I can explain everything!”
  • What is the most common job amongst spiders?
    • Web design
  • How do you comfort a JavaScript bug?
    • You console it

Jokes about branding

  • How do you deliver fonts? 
    • By Courier
  • Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF
  • Two fonts walk into a bar
    • The bartender says “we don’t serve your type here”. They called the Serif.
  • I’m very font of you because you are just my type.

Jokes about marketing

  • Why are SEO experts always late to work? 
    • They love traffic
  • Why did the marketer get fired as a tap dancer?
    • They wanted to get paid per click
  • Why was the SEO guru upset when she found out she was going to have twins? 
    • Duplicate content
  • I made a joke about organic reach on Facebook
    • … nobody got it
laughing crying emoji on an iphone

Ok, they might not of all had you laughing your socks off but we hope they put a smile on your face! 

Share the laughter and send on some of these jokes.

Great websites, branding and marketing are no joke to us. If you need help in creating or refreshing yours then get in touch with us today.


Top brands on social media

Social media doesn't just keep us connected with friends and family, but it also keeps us connected to all walks of businesses and brands. 

The top brands on social media have a powerful impact, authentic engagement from their followers and clearly showcase their brand identity.

Going onto a brand’s social media, whether that’s Instagram, Facebook or the other platforms, has become part of the shopping experience. People look for validation through pictures, posts, videos and even comments from other customers. 

With social media being a necessity for any business these days, getting some strategy inspiration from the brands that are doing it right is always a good place to start. 

Let’s take a look at the top brands on social media

screenshot of GoPro instagram
  • GoPro

Making the world’s most versatile cameras, GoPro not only showcases their products and how great their cameras are, but they also interact a lot with their followers. They use user-generated content to show the quality of their cameras, it acts as a review for potential customers.

screenshot of Nike's twitter
  • Nike 

Nike focuses a lot on people and athletes on their social media channels. They have attracted the audience’s attention by showing the people who make the brand rather than constantly plugging their products. Nike is also very good at jumping on current affairs and sharing their thoughts, from Black Lives Matter to recognising frontline healthcare workers during the pandemic.

Screenshot of Starbuck's Facebook account
  • Starbucks

Starbucks has managed to grab the attention of its audience by using engaging and colourful visual imagery. Another great brand for voicing and creating campaigns around current topics, they create a lot of relevant content and create products in line with trends.

Screenshot of Greggs twitter post with a girl running on a treadmill.
  • Greggs

Greggs is a well-established brand and often uses humour through its social media. Whether retweeting with a witty comment or using a punny one-liner, Greggs has managed to maintain their image and actively engage with their audience.

Screenshot of etsy instagram account
  • Etsy

Selling a variety of handmade and unique items, Etsy uses its social media to display the work by independent, creative designers. The pandemic increased the message to support small businesses and local independent shops, Etsy’s platform allows customers to do exactly this. The visuals and content posted shows off Etsy’s very warm, welcoming and authentic branding.

screenshot of Farrow & Ball Facebook post
  • Farrow & Ball

A brand inspiring people to use eco-friendly water based paint and handcrafted wallpaper, Farrow & Ball have become well-known. They create a lot of content that is useful, inspiring and gives their individual paint colours personality. 

Did having a look at these top brands help inspire some new and unique content for yourself?

Adding value is very important through social media, don’t just push products and promotions. Give them information that is useful and relevant - connect with your audience, relate to them and create relationships. You want to create a lasting impression.

Are you using your social media to showcase and build up your brand image? 

man on phone browsing through a business' instagram

22Group can help if you’re looking for branding, marketing or web design services. Make a splash! Get in touch, we’d love to help.


Recognising International Women’s Day: Women who influenced branding, marketing and the web.

In recognition of International Women’s Day we’re exploring the women who have influenced and shaped the branding, marketing and web industry. 

There’s no doubt future generations will influence and change the way we market products and services, use the web or create brands. Here are only a handful of influential women who have made a major impact: 

  • Ada Lovelace

"Ada Lovelace, 1838" by Nefi is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Back in the middle of the 1800s Ada invented computer programming when she wrote the algorithm for the first computer machine. Her contribution has made the internet and today’s web possible, thanks Ada! 

  • Carolyn Davidson

What brand do you associate a tick with? Carolyn Davidson, graphic designer, created the all so famous Nike Swoosh logo and originally contracted it for just $35 back then. 

  • Ann Handley 
"Ann Handley - Keynote" by TopRankMarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0

A digital marketing pioneer, she’s an inspiration to create better marketing that delivers results. ClickZ, her previous company, is one of the first sources of digital marketing information in the world and IBM named her as one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing with a mention by Forbes as being a top thought leader. 

  • Susan Kare

Susan Kare is a very influential computer iconographer, she has designed thousands of software icons which are recognisible to anyone who uses a computer. Her most notable icons are Apple, Microsoft and PayPal. 

  • Kim Krause Berg

In 1998 Kim founded Cre8siteForums.org which is a forum for SEO, UX and web design. It’s a great place for advice and talking with other SEOs on different topics. Kim, from the start of SEO, provided guidance on balancing usability with SEO. 

  • Carol H. Williams

Creator of many famous advertising campaigns, Carol has worked with several big companies and one of the most memorable is The Walt Disney Company where she created the groundbreaking “Imagination” campaign. 

Here at 22 Group, we’re really pleased to have welcomed a number of women to our team over the last 6 months, and we couldn’t be more proud to have a balanced, talented team.

But let’s be clear, when recruiting we of course search for the best person for the job, irrespective of gender. Running a small to medium-sized agency with a wide range of clients and industries, we find real value in having a balanced team to work on branding, design, web-build and marketing.  


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